What is heart coherence and why is it important to your health and well-being? In this video HeartMath Institute Research Director, Rollin McCraty, discusses heart coherence and why it's essential in stress management and lasting behavior change.
Stress management starts in the heart
HeartMath Institute research has found that heartfelt emotions generate an optimal psychophysiological state called coherence which is associated with improvements in health, well-being and performance. To learn more about HeartMath Science, click here. Coherence can be seen and measured in the heart’s rhythmic activity, also called heart rate variability (HRV).
Seeing is believing
- HeartMath technology provides real-time, visible evidence that your clients can control their thoughts and emotions.
- With HeartMath techniques and technology, you can see your own heart rate variability pattern and learn to shift into coherence in real time.
- The techniques are simple, easy and uplifting to practice…anyone can learn in a few minutes.
- The Science and Practice of Heart Coherence is a program specifically designed to take participants into a deeper understanding of the refractory period and “Emotional Intelligence”. This is a level II program that is designed as a leadership program, focusing on self-leadership and piloting an organization by direction and collaborative communications.
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